From Russia with Love

The interesting combination to explore from our previous designs is to mix some western valves like 01a into the Russian parade.
The result would be quite interesting, as the sound of the 01a has proven to be amazing. Therefore 01a driving 4P1L is possible as the 4P1L doesn’t need a lot of drive. Instead of using 4P1L as a driver, we can opt for the 01a which has a similar gain. What is interesting is that the voltage swing required by 4P1L wouldn’t force the 01a outside the zone in which is highly linear, hence, with some modifications, it can work as a great driver here.
The circuit

Instead of starving the filaments of the 01a, given the voltage swing requirements for a driver, we ought to drive it at full tilt. In the circuit above, the 01a hasn’t got the stones to drive the 4P1L pair, therefore we have added a cathode follower as explained here. The M1 follower will then drive easily the output stage.
Hi Ale,
I’ve tried 01A with your gyrator gen 2 into single 4P1L and the combination 01A-4P1L sounds excellent. However, I liked better 26 into 4P1L: more driving capacity.
Hi Ale,
another candidate -in case you would need a little more gain than 01a- is the German Post BA giving an amplification ration of about 14 but a a similar low current of 3-4mA.
Speaking about these currents, my question is: did someone compare the gyrator load using a 2sk170 to the bf862 for such application? Which would be preferable soundwise? Any hint/idea?
Hi Ulrich,
Unfortunately haven’t tested the BA valve as don’t have any. Not sure how linear it would be specially at levels swinging to perform as a driver