It was pure lust and love at first sight. I found the RL12P35 german transmitting pentodes and couldn’t resist in buying them. A very nice set of NOS Telefunken and Valvo valves with also NOS sockets. These pentodes look like a de-rated LS-50/GU-50 and very interesting candidates for a nice PP amp:
These have been used by Lorenz to build the classic and lovely PP amp LVA/BA30 RL12P35 Amp with anode to grid feedback (i.e. a la Schade) like the below amplifier:
When I submitted to the mercy of the uTracer, I had to work around the 300V limitation of my uTracer v3 (I do have the 400V upgrade kit but I haven’t got around to modify it yet). So I looked into the data sheet to find an operating point to measure my valves against:

The valves measured really well, most of them above 90%. The test point used was Va=250V, Vs=200V, Vgk=-15V which aimed for Ia=110mA:

From my traces I could see that the screen current should be about 25mA, Ra closer to 24-25kΩ and transconductance around 4.5mA/V which is predicted from the data sheets.
The generated Spice model matches really well:

Here is the Spice model of the pentode: RL12P35-pentode-150V:
**************************************************** .SUBCKT RL12P35-pentode 1 2 3 4 ; A G2 G1 C; * Extract V3.000 * Model created: 28-May-2016 * * Traced and model created by Ale Moglia / [email protected] * * * * X1 1 2 3 4 BTetrodeDE MU= 5.01 EX=1.331 kG1= 676.1 KP= 14.9 kVB = 1008.8 kG2= 3519.4 +Sc=.12E+00 ap= .034 w= 16. nu= .24 lam= 11.8 + Ookg1mOokG2=.119E-02 Aokg1=.46E-06 alkg1palskg2=.119E-02 be= .151 als= 3.10 RGI=2000 + CCG1=16.5P CCG2 = 0.0p CPG1 = 0.05p CG1G2 = 5.7p CCP=10.4P ; .ENDS **************************************************** .SUBCKT BTetrodeDE 1 2 3 4; A G2 G1 C * * NOTE: LOG(x) is base e LOG or natural logarithm. * For some Spice versions, e.g. MicroCap, this has to be changed to LN(x). * RE1 7 0 1MEG ; DUMMY SO NODE 7 HAS 2 CONNECTIONS E1 7 0 VALUE= +{V(2,4)/KP*LOG(1+EXP(KP*(1/MU+V(3,4)/SQRT(KVB+V(2,4)*V(2,4)))))} E2 8 0 VALUE = {Ookg1mOokG2 + Aokg1*V(1,4) - alkg1palskg2*Exp(-be*V(1,4)*SQRT(be*V(1,4)))} E3 9 0 VALUE = {Sc/kG2*V(1,4)*(1+tanh(-ap*(V(1,4)-V(2,4)/lam+w+nu*V(3,4))))} G1 1 4 VALUE = {0.5*(PWR(V(7),EX)+PWRS(V(7),EX))*(V(8)-V(9))} G2 2 4 VALUE = {0.5*(PWR(V(7),EX)+PWRS(V(7),EX))/KG2 *(1+als*Exp(-be*V(1,4) * SQRT(be*V(1,4))))} RCP 1 4 1G ; FOR CONVERGENCE A - C C1 3 4 {CCG1} ; CATHODE-GRID 1 C - G1 C4 2 4 {CCG2} ; CATHODE-GRID 2 C - G2 C5 2 3 {CG1G2} ; GRID 1 -GRID 2 G1 - G2 C2 1 3 {CPG1} ; GRID 1-PLATE G1 - A C3 1 4 {CCP} ; CATHODE-PLATE A - C R1 3 5 {RGI} ; FOR GRID CURRENT G1 - 5 D3 5 4 DX ; FOR GRID CURRENT 5 - C .MODEL DX D(IS=1N RS=1 CJO=10PF TT=1N) .ENDS BTetrodeDE
Hi Ale,
I have tried to use your spice model on LTC spice, but there is an error on LTC. (the classical “Unknow subcircuit called in ….”) Do you have an LTC model for the RL12P35 ?
best regards
If you are a member of the LTspice yahoo group then there is a Norman Koren style model of the RL12P35. Also a lot of the Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht tubes in the lib it is called Koren_Tubes.cir.
If you are wondering why I have been simulating parts of the FuG 16, FuG 216, Fug 217, FuG 220 and FuG 224 avionics systems so I needed to characterise the tubes.
Also note that to use the above model you need to use the LTspice tetrode symbol not the pentode symbol because the model assumes that the G3 is tied to the cathode.
Hello Suusi Malcom-Brown,
actually, I have not visited this site for many years, because the owner never have drop me even a word. And now, I fell in this site by chance, and I have seen that someone have write an answer. Therefore, I would like to thank you for your kindness.
At this point I have finished my RL12P35 amplifier in early 2018 and now, I’m building another (different) one, with the same valves.
Thanks again and best regards,