Wiring job is done. The fixed bias supply delivers from +50V to -300V. It has more voltage capability as am planning to use this same supply for future builds (e.g. 845 SE). The filament supply set to minimise power dissipation on the filament regulators for the 300B. All working fine, so am happy with this board. Filament noise is 0.3mV.
Quick general question: what connector setup you are using to bring power from your separate power supplies to your amplifier s? Thanks!
A simple Neutrik Speakon 2-pole one. I’ve been using a military 5 pole connector (have plenty of them) but ran out of 5-wire cable. I made some PCBs for the Neutrik and work like a charm
cool. thanks. I used the speakon’s for my pre, but didn’t think they could take 400 volts, so was looking elsewhere for my amp. Almost done populating the gyrator boards I bought from you, then onto the source follower boards and some testing. Might have to order some Ikea boards.