My latest 300B amplifier brought me again closer to the D3a. I have to say it’s an exceptional driver for this amp as well as it can perform in a phono stage at same excellent level.
I took the opportunity to trace again one Siemens D3a NOS boxed as “POS 1.176 Q 31-X 601”. This one was handpicked as it measured at 102% (31mA) in triode mode with a Gm of 39mS.
I wanted to develop a pentode model for phono experiments so put this lovely valve back in the eTracer and used the Extract Model tool from Derk Reefman to develop the model below.

You can see current saturation effects clearly on the pentode traces when approaching to 0V, that is to say below 0.5V:
Here is the result after a few tweaks:
You can see the slight divergence of the model due to the current saturation experienced at very low grid voltages
Here are the 2 models and would be great to have your feedback after using them. You can download the files from here: D3a-Pentode-100V and here:D3a-Triode.
Pentode Model:
**************************************************** .SUBCKT D3a-Pentode-100V 1 2 3 4 ; A G2 G1 C; * Extract V3.000 * Model created: 10-Jun-2020 * * Curves traced and model developed by Ale Moglia * (c) 2020 Bartola Valves * email: [email protected] * * X1 1 2 3 4 PenthodeDE MU= 77.9 EX=1.433 kG1= 25.7 KP= 587.2 kVB = 2940.0 kG2= 106.5 + Ookg1mOokG2=.29E-01 Aokg1=.13E-04 alkg1palskg2=.29E-01 be= .049 als= 2.57 RGI=2000 + CCG1=6.8P CCG2 = 0.0p CPG1 = 0.04p CG1G2 = 9.5p CCP=0.05P ; .ENDS **************************************************** .SUBCKT PenthodeDE 1 2 3 4; A G2 G1 C * * NOTE: LOG(x) is base e LOG or natural logarithm. * For some Spice versions, e.g. MicroCap, this has to be changed to LN(x). * RE1 7 0 1MEG ; DUMMY SO NODE 7 HAS 2 CONNECTIONS E1 7 0 VALUE= +{V(2,4)/KP*LOG(1+EXP(KP*(1/MU+V(3,4)/SQRT(KVB+V(2,4)*V(2,4)))))} E2 8 0 VALUE = {Ookg1mOokG2 + Aokg1*V(1,4) - alkg1palskg2*Exp(-be*V(1,4)*SQRT(be*V(1,4)))} G1 1 4 VALUE = {0.5*(PWR(V(7),EX)+PWRS(V(7),EX))*V(8)} G2 2 4 VALUE = {0.5*(PWR(V(7),EX)+PWRS(V(7),EX))/KG2 *(1+als*Exp(-be*V(1,4) * SQRT(be*V(1,4))))} RCP 1 4 1G ; FOR CONVERGENCE A - C C1 3 4 {CCG1} ; CATHODE-GRID 1 C - G1 C4 2 4 {CCG2} ; CATHODE-GRID 2 C - G2 C5 2 3 {CG1G2} ; GRID 1 -GRID 2 G1 - G2 C2 1 3 {CPG1} ; GRID 1-PLATE G1 - A C3 1 4 {CCP} ; CATHODE-PLATE A - C R1 3 5 {RGI} ; FOR GRID CURRENT G1 - 5 D3 5 4 DX ; FOR GRID CURRENT 5 - C .MODEL DX D(IS=1N RS=1 CJO=10PF TT=1N) .ENDS PenthodeDE
**************************************************** .SUBCKT D3a-Triode 1 2 3; A G C; * Extract V3.000 * Model created: 10-Jun-2020 * * * Curves traced and model developed by Ale Moglia * (c) 2020 Bartola Valves * email: [email protected] * * X1 1 2 3 TriodeK MU= 77.92 EX=1.515 KG1= 25.7 KP= 587.2 KVB= 2940. RGI=2000 + CCG=6.7P CGP=3.3P CCP=1.0P ; .ENDS **************************************************** .SUBCKT TriodeK 1 2 3; A G C * * NOTE: LOG(x) is base e LOG or natural logarithm. * For some Spice versions, e.g. MicroCap, this has to be changed to LN(x). * E1 7 0 VALUE= +{V(1,3)/KP*LOG(1+EXP(KP*(1/MU+V(2,3)/SQRT(KVB+V(1,3)*V(1,3)))))} RE1 7 0 1G G1 1 3 VALUE={0.5*(PWR(V(7),EX)+PWRS(V(7),EX))/KG1} RCP 1 3 1G ; TO AVOID FLOATING NODES IN MU-FOLLOWER C1 2 3 {CCG} ; CATHODE-GRID C2 2 1 {CGP} ; GRID-PLATE C3 1 3 {CCP} ; CATHODE-PLATE D3 5 3 DX ; FOR GRID CURRENT R1 2 5 {RGI} ; FOR GRID CURRENT .MODEL DX D(IS=1N RS=1 CJO=10PF TT=1N) .ENDS TriodeK
Hi Ale,
I tried your new D3a model.
Triode model works fine.
Pentode model doesn’t work for me. I always get: Unknown parameter “-alkg1palskg2 …… in line: b:u1:1 …..
I tried changing the pentode symbol but it doesn’t help.
Hi Rajko,
Thanks for testing this, much appreciated.
Not sure what the issue is for you. I use the standard tetrode symbol and works fine. What version of LTSpice are you using?
See attached screenshot
Still LT spice from 2 years ago. No innovation 🙂
I have an old Dell PC tower and I won’t put anything new on it :-)).
Yes, I also use the tetrode model for pentode. But I’ll try more.
Btw, I love RIAA preamp simulation to test tube spice models.
In my D3a RIAA preamp, difference between your new triode model for D3a, my personal model (Dimitrij paintkit) and Nakabayashi model is just below 100Hz and the difference is minor:
Your model:
20Hz … + 7 milliDB,
50Hz … + 41 milliDB,
100Hz … + 17 milliDB
My model:
-83 miliDB,
-4 milliDB,
-1.4 miles DB
Nakabayashi model:
– 74miliDB,
0 DB
+ 5 milliDB
Good to hear that the model is working ok.
PLease ping me an email and will send you the tetrode.asy as well as the test curve asc file so you can see where the issue is.
Thanks Ale,
you are kindly like always
But one day I will make and try this one tube RIAA preamp.
It has to sound and work well.
Finally … and no more 🙂
With your .asy tetrode, D3a pentode spice model works fine.
Difference between your model and my (paintkip) model is just below 70 Hz:
Ale model:
20Hz …. -2dB
50Hz …- 83 miles DB
My model:
20Hz …- 2,1dB
50Hz …- 155mDB
Best DIYing Ale