Some time ago I got hold of a nice stash of Telefunken EL152. These German pentodes are amazing. After playing with the RL12P35P and then obviously GU-50 (which is a copy of the LS-50), the EL152 was a nice valve to have at hand as it’s actually the LS-50 in a different bottle.
The B-10V socket is quite tricky as it seems like it was designed for the EL/FL-152 and similar Telefunken valves. Anyhow, managed to get some new ceramic ones to trace the curves and generate a Spice model. Hope you find this useful.

Here’s the model using Derk’s tool:

LT Spice models
Pentode model is below and also here: EL152-pentode-model:
**************************************************** .SUBCKT EL152-pentode 1 2 3 4 ; A G2 G1 C; * Extract V3.000 * Model created: 23-Oct-2020 * * Curves traced and Model developed by Alejandro Moglia * (c) 2020 by Bartola Ltd. UK * For DIY Audio Use Only * www.bartola.co.uk/valves email: [email protected] * X1 1 2 3 4 PenthodeD MU= 5.4 EX=1.390 kG1= 707.4 KP= 32.3 kVB = 5122.1 kG2=46214.5 + Ookg1mOokG2=.14E-02 Aokg1=.45E-06 alkg1palskg2=.14E-02 be= .07 als= 50.58 RGI=2000 + CCG1=10.0P CCG2 = 0.0p CPG1 = 0.11p CG1G2 = 0.0p CCP=14.5P ; .ENDS **************************************************** .SUBCKT PenthodeD 1 2 3 4; A G2 G1 C * * NOTE: LOG(x) is base e LOG or natural logarithm. * For some Spice versions, e.g. MicroCap, this has to be changed to LN(x). * RE1 7 0 1MEG ; DUMMY SO NODE 7 HAS 2 CONNECTIONS E1 7 0 VALUE= +{V(2,4)/KP*LOG(1+EXP(KP*(1/MU+V(3,4)/SQRT(KVB+V(2,4)*V(2,4)))))} E2 8 0 VALUE = {Ookg1mOokG2 + Aokg1*V(1,4) - alkg1palskg2/(1 + be*V(1,4))} G1 1 4 VALUE = {0.5*(PWR(V(7),EX)+PWRS(V(7),EX))*V(8)} G2 2 4 VALUE = {0.5*(PWR(V(7),EX)+PWRS(V(7),EX))/KG2 * (1+ als/(1+be*V(1,4)))} RCP 1 4 1G ; FOR CONVERGENCE A - C C1 3 4 {CCG1} ; CATHODE-GRID 1 C - G1 C4 2 4 {CCG2} ; CATHODE-GRID 2 C - G2 C5 2 3 {CG1G2} ; GRID 1 -GRID 2 G1 - G2 C2 1 3 {CPG1} ; GRID 1-PLATE G1 - A C3 1 4 {CCP} ; CATHODE-PLATE A - C R1 3 5 {RGI} ; FOR GRID CURRENT G1 - 5 D3 5 4 DX ; FOR GRID CURRENT 5 - C .MODEL DX D(IS=1N RS=1 CJO=10PF TT=1N) .ENDS PenthodeD
The triode model is below and also here:EL152-triode-model
**************************************************** .SUBCKT EL152-triode 1 2 3; A G C; * Extract V3.000 * Model created: 23-Oct-2020 * * * Curves traced and Model developed by Alejandro Moglia * (c) 2020 by Bartola Ltd. UK * For DIY Audio Use Only * www.bartola.co.uk/valves email: [email protected] * X1 1 2 3 TriodeK MU= 5.43 EX=1.423 KG1= 707.4 KP= 32.3 KVB= 5122. RGI=2000 + CCG=0.0P CGP=0.0P CCP=0.0P ; .ENDS **************************************************** .SUBCKT TriodeK 1 2 3; A G C * * NOTE: LOG(x) is base e LOG or natural logarithm. * For some Spice versions, e.g. MicroCap, this has to be changed to LN(x). * E1 7 0 VALUE= +{V(1,3)/KP*LOG(1+EXP(KP*(1/MU+V(2,3)/SQRT(KVB+V(1,3)*V(1,3)))))} RE1 7 0 1G G1 1 3 VALUE={0.5*(PWR(V(7),EX)+PWRS(V(7),EX))/KG1} RCP 1 3 1G ; TO AVOID FLOATING NODES IN MU-FOLLOWER C1 2 3 {CCG} ; CATHODE-GRID C2 2 1 {CGP} ; GRID-PLATE C3 1 3 {CCP} ; CATHODE-PLATE D3 5 3 DX ; FOR GRID CURRENT R1 2 5 {RGI} ; FOR GRID CURRENT .MODEL DX D(IS=1N RS=1 CJO=10PF TT=1N) .ENDS TriodeK
Any chance that of you checking out RS1003 tubes in future? They seem to be another robust pentode from Germany. Got some to try in some circuits triode wired.
Hi Ravi
Yes of course. I’ve done it years ago as the SRS551 is a favourite of mine are extremely great candidates for both triode-wired or as pentode with local feedback candidates.
I just need to find the time to publish the models and curves
Cheers, Ale
Great! Look forward to it when you get the time
Thank you Ale for tracing the curves for this tube I have a few of the FL152, didn’t know that they are pretty much the same as the GU-50, but nicer to look at though.
I noticed you never have traced the 6sh38p (~ EF190) which is a super linear russian HF pentode (mini tube, 7-pins), which I’m using as input stage for my phone preamp I am working on (Ua=160, Ug2=100, 11mA), since I have no spice model for it I cannot simulate it however, also I wonder how the tube would trace at 75V or 50B screen voltage.
A soso triode model I already have however I would treasure a pentode model for this one as well 🙂
I am wondering how the 6SH38p would compare to all the other tubes you did THD measurement some time ago with all the other small signal pentodes and preamp worthy triodes, maybe be in the top5?
Thanks again for all your wonderful work!
Hi Roman
I may have some 6SH38P around I think, will have to check. I’m away at the moment so will check when back. Can’t promise an ETA as am extremely busy with work so not sure when can fire up the tracer for this.
Good luck!
Hi Ale,
there is really no rush, nevertheless I am very looking forward to it.
Thanks & cheers