Firstly, my apologies to all readers for not writing much over the last year. Things have gone a bit crazy between work and family commitments. Also, modular synthesiser work has taken a lot of interest lately to me. Finally, this blog was hacked twice and have been painful to get it back up again. Needless to say, I’m not an IT expert so I do the best I can!
Selling my beloved 4P1L
All good things come to an end. In this case, my loved 4P1L PSE Amplifier. I moved listening rooms with the growing family and space is now an issue. I no longer can store this beauty and I think it would be wise for someone else to enjoy it rather than collecting dust somewhere my attic (which is mostly full).
This amplifier gave me a lot of joy and sums up a “no-compromise” approach to DHT considering the design and component selection of the power supplies. It’s a very flexible beast as the power supplies (HT and LT) can be used in many different configurations – all the way up to a 300B and more.

This is “the one and only” Bartola 4P1L amplifier. It has gone back and forth to ETF.18 and got into quarter finals on the competition (personally and a few others think it could have gone further but listening levels and setup were not the best).
Needless to say:
- No reserves
- Payment upfront
- Only collection in London, UK. No deliveries
- Sold as-is. You need to know what you’re doing here 🙂
I haven’t got idea of what price to ask, need to think about it.
If you are interested, ping me.
Hello. I see it uses Monolith output transformers. I’ve not heard of them. Are they the transormer of choice ?
Hi Alan,
Yes, this amplifier uses the Monolith Magnetics S-9. Summit (S-9) page. These are great Hi-grade SiFe grain oriented dual C-core transformers which I love their sound. Originally I built the amplifier with amorphous core OPTs from NP. Later I switched to the MM and stayed with them, I prefered their stronger bass response.
You can find some measurements I made on these here:Measurements
find them where please ?
fixed the link, somehow it got lost when posting my reply. See comment above.
Thank you all who were interested in the amp. The amplifier is now sold and in good hands I hope!
Cheers, Ale
What is the connector used for the HT umbilical? Looks
Neat. Thanks!
Hi, you can still find them. They are Military NOS Russian ones. There are also some Chinese available. I’d recommend using the Speakon Neutrik ones. The normal ones can work with HT to reasonable levels, otherwise they do an HV version of the connector.