6E6P-DR curves (6Э6П-ДР)

Here are some curves of this great valve I traced time ago, hope these are useful when designing a stage with them.

Unfortunately the variance of the valve’s parameters is all over the place. Hence you should use these curves as reference and not as sacred data. Luckily, I have plenty of them and can match/select pairs as needed.

6E6P-DR triode mode
6E6P-DR tracer setup

Author: Ale Moglia

"A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable. " (Robert Fripp)

9 thoughts on “6E6P-DR curves (6Э6П-ДР)”

    1. Hi Lars

      Both are great valves in my opinion. I used the 6e5p in a SPUD amp, loved it. When I tried them both as preamp / driver valves, I found the 6-e6p-dr a bit more dynamic and detailed. In particular I have a few of the 6E6P-DRY (DRU) which were built with tighter parameters and reliability due to their military use. I’m not an expert on them so cannot comment further.

      I posted on my blog a few entries about both valves over the years and their use in headphone amps, SPUD amps and drivers. Have a look around.

      I personally feel you can’t go wrong with any of the two valves.

  1. Hi Ale,
    Thank you for posting those curves and spice model for 6E6P-DR. In the region of my interest, which is Ia=16mA, Va-k= ~163v, Vk=3v, the curves for 6E5P are quite close…may warrant breadboarding to test.
    Best, Robert

    1. Hello Reinhold,
      Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. I love your analogue prints, wow amazing art. Very inspiring.
      The 6e6P-dr can do 285V at quiescent anode voltage when triode strapped. See datasheet: datasheet

      No need to go higher than 200V, you can get over 230Vpp with a great performance at 190V/20mA (230Vpp 0.3% THD), see here: Driving hard

      cheers, Ale

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