Many have asked for these PCBs so I’m letting go until the small batch runs out. As these have been produced in few units, they are not the cheapest bits around when you factor in the prototype, development, shipping and taxes. Anyhow, they are extremely versatile to build in point to point and can help locating components where you need them.
I do build fast prototype and finished products with them. In the past I relied on NOS parts which aren’t around anymore. So I decided to design and develop my own. I use the standard guitar-amp turret type with a diameter of 2.75mm.
Also for the pin connection, I use readily available 2mm banana plugs (male-female) to solder without any isolation. These have a 2.5mm hole and you can find them in Aliexpress.
Here are some pictures for you to browse:

I will be adding additional building block PCBs as I get them ready so check regularly. I will sell stock until it runs out on a first come first serve basis.
The one pole turret is very handy to lay out ground buses/star for preamps and amplifiers
- 1-pole Turret PCB: £1.50 each
- 2-pole Turret PCB: £1.50 each
- 4-pole Turret PCB: £2 each
- 4-pole Turret to 2mm pin PCB: £2 each
- 8-pole double pin PCB: £2 each
- INS-1 NEON PCB (Top and Bottom set): £1.50 each
- Stereo RCA socket PCB: £2 each
Ordering PCB
If you want these PCBs, please fill out the form below. Thank you