After testing 4P1L with the 126C OPT, Paul Leclercq suggested a different operating point to see if distortion above 8Vrms on the OPT version was due to grid current. So firstly did a quick test with the CCS and found that -15V and 170V was a good operating point for 15mA. The 4P1L performs brilliantly with CCS and THD is only 0.05% when driven to 10Vrms.
Unfortunately distortion with 126C grows exponentially above 9Vrms. OPT is tested floating and not sure if is the Pete Millett interface a limitation with it.
Andy Evans suggested that secondary green should be negative so phase is 180. Aparently there is a thread meantioning the distortion introduced by the way I was using the OPT.
Anyway, problem sorted! Look at now how nicely the 126C can perform at 10Vrms:
This is a great unknown russian DHT. Just like his brother 4P1L :). An output beam tetrode with direct heated cathode filament. This 18W valve is a great candidate for an output stage, with its standard filament voltage of 6.3V and octal socket, many ones out there will be really attracted by this valve as it can easily be adapted in many classic output stages.
I did some initial tests about a year ago and this valve proved to be very linear and capable DHT. Was planning to use it as a pre-amp valve with filament starvation as THD results were more than promising.
Paul Leclerq, Andy Evans and I now want to test this one as an output valve. With 18W+3.5W=21.5W of anode power capability, it’s a great DHT for output stages clearly.
So I went back to the workshop to trace the curves first.
Finally, here is a THD plot for the 6P21S showing how linear this valve can be. The following quiescent point was found to be very good for this valve:
After some tests found that initial design of the power supply had some nasty transient response when HT switch was used. Rod Coleman suggested the addition of snubbers and also end up re-arranging the location of the HT SW at the output of the supply. An UF4007 was also added as a protection for any negative spikes at the output due to leak inductance:
Andy Evans built a pre-amp with the 4P1L and was delighted with the sound of it albeit the 4P1L was running below its optimal operating point: 15mA given the limitations of the 126C interstage transformer.
I went to my workshop to test this configuration and looked at biasing 4P1L with fixed bias and driving it with 1Vrms or more to see what the results were:
So here is the first test at Vg=-4V, Va=74V and Ia=15mA
4P1L test circuit
(all tests were done with the 100k input impedance of the Pete Millett Sound Card interface as the secondary load of the OT. 4P1L had both filaments in parallel and If=600mA)
4P1L test 1
You can see a richer harmonic profile with the OT and distortion is around 0.13% when driven with a 1Vrms providing an expected Vo close to mu (Vo=8Vrms)
The distortion gets very high when output voltage is higher than 9Vrms:
4P1L test 2
Now if we bias the valve at a more convenient operating point:
We get a slight improvement in THD down to 0.11%. However the distortion above 9Vrms is still high:
4P1L test 3
So what if we compare the performance of the OT against the CCS?
4P1L test 5 (CCS)
As we can see from above the distortion is halved. Now if we look at how well this valve could perform if biased in a better operating point, we can see that distortion can be reduce down to 0.03%
4P1L THD 6 (CCS) minimum distortion figure
Minimum distortion from a CCS (or gyrator) doesn’t mean that it will sound better. Clearly the OT doubles the THD of the CCS equivalent circuit. Gain here is nearly same on both as OT is in 1:1. Only way of judging both is to do a listening test….
Here is my first test of modified bench supply providing 600Vdc from existing 250V transformer via a voltage multiplier circuit, gyrator filter and passive MOSFET regulator. This circuit was built with components I had around and supply provides 0-600V with less than 5mV ripple thanks to the 53dB attenuation. Maximum current is 100mA continuous but passive regulator has a 200mA limiter built in.
bench raw supply
Above is a classic voltage-doubler configuration. I had a 250V secondary, so had to add one of this to get HT to 600V at least. Resistor equalisers have been added to leverage whatever electrolytic I had around and could use here. The raw supply should provide a low ripple of about 1.3Vpp at full load (100mA).
Gyrator-based active smoothing filter
A classic gyrator to simulate an inductor in an LC stage. Attenuation of this stage and the passive regulator which is configured as a capacitor multiplier can provide at least 53dB @ 100Hz. This will bring down the ripple to less than 5mV!
Passive regulator with current limiter
Finally the passive regulator. It has a current limiter set to 200mA. M2 will dissipate large amounts of heat. Just do the maths: dropping circa 600V to whatever voltage is set as the output by the 1M pot. This will be bolted to the chassis C shaped aluminium frame. Probably needs a bigger heatsink as could melt down when delivering large currents at low output voltage. This is a situation we want to avoid. Output will have a slow fuse of around 100mA, but the circuit has a 200mA current protection to avoid killing the MOSFET whilst charging a capacitor,etc.
Continuing with the design of the 4-65A SE amplifier based on M. Koster design, I’m in the process of tweaking the 46 driver to optimise the operating point and provide maximum distortion to drive the demanding 4-65a. Here is the circuit I’m currently working on.
The current 46 driver will be biased at around 25-30mA using filament bias, so Vgk will be around -16 to -17.5V using a 10Ω filament bias resistor array. This will set the 46 at around 185-210V which will give sufficient headroom (i.e. need about 200Vpp max) to drive the 4-65a.
So today I look at varying slightly both anode currents and Vgk to see impact on THD.
So minimum THD is around -17V and Ia=30mA. So if setting the Rod Coleman filament regulator to ensure that Vgk=-17V and the anode gyrator to set anode voltage to ensure Ia is close to bias current would provide the minimum distortion (which is 0.04% in this example). Pa is close to 7W, but looking at the datasheet we can see that maximum Pa is 10W (as the latter 45 version).
46 Super Silvertone THD
So next I need to build a prototype of this driver with filament regulator and gyrator load.
Just got a couple of NOS EIMAC which I will be using in my SE design
So did some test on distortion, transconductance and driving them to +22.22dBu output to check the quality of these two ones.
I used similar test rig as before. At some point will be able to get a proper filament supply for this valve, but for the time being I will continue to use the hum pot and the big electrolytic cap across my old bench power supply which can gently provide the 3.5A for the hungry filaments!
I tested them at the limit of my CCS and bench HT supply which at the moment cannot provide more than 360V @ 100mA.
Transconductance is in the region of 3,800 – 4,000 μmhos.
So biasing the valve at -2.5V and over 90mA of anode current, the harmonic profile looks like this:
Before breadboarding a pre-amp with these nice OT provided by Thomas Mayer, I decided to simulate some options in LT Spice to see what results I got.
CX301a DHT pre-amp
First one is my preferred CX301a thoriated-tungsten DHT. I wired the LL2745 in 5.6:1 step-down configuration. This should provide a low output impedance which is what we want in this configuration where we need to drive the cables to the amplifier with sufficient capability:
CX301a preamp based on LL2745
Looks very promising. Of course gain will be much lower than a gyrator-based pre-amp, the 01a anode load is optimised providing very low distortion: 0.015% based on my SPICE model with curves taken from real CX301a. Gain is low at 3.1dB, but we don’t want loads of gain in this pre-amp. Sound is what we are after…
26 DHT pre-amp
Now it’s time for the revered 26. I used Dmitry’s model based on the RCA manual curves. I’d like to simulate this again using a model based on starved filament curves with a real 26.
Originally planned to bias the 26 in a different operating point based on feedback from Andy Evans, however after playing a bit with the OP I found that a more linear point was around Ia=5mA and Va=114V @ Vgk=-6.85V
26 preamp based on LL2745
26 looks more interesting in principle as the output impedance with this model is lower than the CX301a thanks to having a lower Ra (7KΩ against 11KΩ) so LF response will be slightly better in a side by side comparison.
Will be trying these two with filament bias and Rod Coleman’s filament regulators. The HT will be provided through a Salas HV shunt regulator.