D3a Spice Model (Pentode & Triode)

My latest 300B amplifier brought me again closer to the D3a. I have to say it’s an exceptional driver for this amp as well as it can perform in a phono stage at same excellent level.

I took the opportunity to trace again one Siemens D3a NOS boxed as “POS 1.176 Q 31-X 601”. This one was handpicked as it measured at 102% (31mA) in triode mode with a Gm of 39mS.

I wanted to develop a pentode model for phono experiments so put this lovely valve back in the eTracer and used the Extract Model tool from Derk Reefman to develop the model below.

Continue reading “D3a Spice Model (Pentode & Triode)”

300b driver experiments

I’ve been enjoying and carefully listening my new 300B amplifier. I have to say that I love every bit of its sound, treble detail and strong bass. The amplifier is fast and can drive very well my speakers. I only discovered that due to my low level DAC, the gain of the D3a in triode is yet not enough to get it to maximum power. So, I hooked in my beloved 01a preamp. The overall gain is too much of course so had to place the volume control at the output of the 01a stage.

I think a gain of about 130-140 should be ok. Perhaps if I get around in adding the 6SF5 stage then it may be good enough.

So this got me thinking. Of course I have on my list 2 driver tests:

Continue reading “300b driver experiments”

300B SE Amplifier Finished!

When everything was going to plan…

This build became one of the quickest and eventually the most painful from all, perhaps not really. However, it was very challenging in the end. I will tell you why in more detail. Yet, it has been a fantastic learning experience.

Continue reading “300B SE Amplifier Finished!”

Ba DHT Spice Model

I really love the Ba DHT preamp, if you need the gain in your system, is likely to be one of the best sounding DHT preamps in my experience. As received many requests for the SPICE model for the Ba DHT, here it is:

**** Ba TRIODE Composite DHT *****************************************
* Created on 10/13/2017 18:33 using paint_kit.jar 2.9
* www.dmitrynizh.com/tubeparams_image.htm
* Traced and model by Ale Moglia [email protected]
* (c) 2017 Ale Moglia and Bartola Ltd. UK
* www.bartola.co.uk/valves
.SUBCKT DHT_Ba 1 2 3 4 ; P G K1 K2
+ MU=14 KG1=8940 KP=84 KVB=5232 VCT=-3.5 EX=1.47 RGI=2000
* Vp_MAX=350 Ip_MAX=10 Vg_step=1 Vg_start=0 Vg_count=11
* Rp=4000 Vg_ac=55 P_max=1.5 Vg_qui=-48 Vp_qui=300
* X_MIN=75 Y_MIN=51 X_SIZE=492 Y_SIZE=530 FSZ_X=1192 FSZ_Y=679 XYGrid=false
* showLoadLine=n showIp=y isDHT=y isPP=n isAsymPP=n showDissipLimit=y
* showIg1=n gridLevel2=n isInputSnapped=n
* XYProjections=n harmonicPlot=n harmonics=y
E11 32 0 VALUE={V(1,31)/KP*LOG(1+EXP(KP*(1/MU+V(2,31)/SQRT(KVB+V(1,31)*V(1,31)))))}
E12 42 0 VALUE={V(1,41)/KP*LOG(1+EXP(KP*(1/MU+V(2,41)/SQRT(KVB+V(1,41)*V(1,41)))))}
RE11 32 0 1G
RE12 42 0 1G
G11 1 31 VALUE={(PWR(V(32),EX)+PWRS(V(32),EX))/(2*KG1)}
G12 1 41 VALUE={(PWR(V(42),EX)+PWRS(V(42),EX))/(2*KG1)}
RCP1 1 34 1G

You can download the file here: Ba spice triode model


300B SE Amp: build part IX (Layout)

Feedback was that more pictures were preferred. So here they are. I have little time, but slowly I will make progress I hope. The main chopping board is what is left now. Layout is tricky as have not enough space given the size of the OPTs 😀

300B SE Amp: build part VIII (Cap Boards)

I made a set of useful PCBs. They are intended to mount large (big really big) film capacitors: WIMA DC Link ones!

WIMA DC Link mounting boards + PIO cap board

I use the cost-effective 45μF/600V (MF Part No. DCP4I054507ID2KYSD) in many of my boards as the last capacitor in the filtering network. This is a 2 pin device, however when you go larger like the 80μF/900V (MF Part No. DCP4N058009JD4KYSD), this one has 4 pins and bigger size. The PCB for the later can also accommodate the smaller DC Link of 45μF/600V. The boards have turret or 2mm banana plug connections and an INS-1 Nixie indicator with its associated resistor. Finally a bleeder 3-5W resistor can be added.

The smaller board has the size of the Source Follower PCB. It can be mounted below it or can be used independently. Can fit a variety of PIO/Film capacitors for decoupling or for AC interstage coupling.

Speaking about the Source Follower PCB, I made also a new batch of PCBs as run out of the original ones. I made a minor modification and improvement by adding an LED indicator before the top MOSFET drain. This works in the same way as the gyrator Rev08 PCB. Can be used for normal operation or for A2 current source indicator. Also added an extra PIO/Film 100nF decoupling cap to be mounted under the PCB to decouple the high impedance node to the power supply:

SF PCB REv03 test
SF PCB Rev03: decoupling cap under board

300B SE Amp: build part VII (D3a driver)

It didn’t take long (or at least as long as I thought it would) to finish the driver board. It has a D3a hybrid mu-follower with SiC cathode bias arrangement:

D3a Driver Board Finished

The board is mounted on top of this previous board.

Continue reading “300B SE Amp: build part VII (D3a driver)”

300B SE Amp: build part VI (Fixed Bias Board)

And the fixed bias PCB is completed. All individual PCBs mounted over a ground plane PCB. It will be a stacked build. On top of this PCB, another one will hold the driver. Firstly the D3a in a hybrid mu-follower configuration:

PCB mounted, now to wire them
Nice dim glow from the HV LED array. Boards are working properly and the heatsinks good enough for 20mA idle per channel.

Tested and bandwidth of these source followers is nearly 10MHz with plenty of current drive at 20mA idle.

300B SE Amp: build part V (Fixed Bias)

Last year I developed a voltage reference using an HV LED. Unfortunately these devices from OSRAM seem to be discontinued. I managed to buy enough parts for my own use though. What is interesting from these LEDs is that the dynamic resistance is low. About 150Ω with good current, or between 300Ω to 500Ω.  Tempco is very low and with such a low dynamic resistance, they are great for creating a voltage reference with a stable CCS:

The LEDs are extremely bright and found that with a 1mA current are dim enough whilst retaining the stability needed. I have a cap multiplier arrangement and the LED array is fed by a stable CCS. Jumpers on the board allow bypassing LEDs and there is also the option to use a trimmer for variable voltage adjustment. Very handy for screen grid supply and phono stages. The reference voltage is extremely quiet with more than 100dB PSR.

OSRAN 67V LED curves

Continue reading “300B SE Amp: build part V (Fixed Bias)”

300B SE Amp: build part IV (Board 1 finished)

Board 1 completed

Wiring job is done. The fixed bias supply delivers from +50V to -300V. It has more voltage capability as am planning to use this same supply for future builds (e.g. 845 SE). The filament supply set to minimise power dissipation on the filament regulators for the 300B. All working fine, so am happy with this board. Filament noise is 0.3mV.