I tried the below configuration and the results are very promising. Sound is as good as previously implemented SiC cathode bias.
Now looking at the TH and frequency response:
The stage performs as expected. I built some prototype PCB for the SiC filament bias. One board per channel. If there is any interest, I will run a bigger batch
The start of a different DHT experience with the Mule
I built the “Mule” to provide enough flexibility to test other DHTs as pre-amplifier / line stage. Using the gyrator board, the flexibility is fantastic. Can share same HT and dial the right anode voltage. The LT supply can also be shared amongst many DHTs and Rod Coleman provided me with a set of different resistors to test the list of 9 or 10 DHTs I have in mind which haven’t listed carefully on this design.
Yet, another 01a preamp. This time with a beautiful machined top plate and wooden frame:
Will try the Russian filament resistor which we tested at Andy Evans’ and sounded amazing. Just need to build a new pair of Rod Coleman Boards and do the wiring:
The name I guess says it all. This is yet another DHT preamp with the gyrator PCB. So what’s different? Simply, a breadboard DHT preamp module ready to be abused. I’m planning to mod this to death and try a long list of other DHTs with the gyrator load.
I will only need to change the valve sockets (or build an adaptor) as well as the filament resistors and Rod Coleman filament regulators. Simple changes which can be done fast, will open the door to quick tests on my system.
In order to make this simple and a rapid build, I opted to use an IKEA chopping board. These are made of a laminated hardwood and are dirt cheap. A couple of hours are required to drill all the board like this:
Job done. You only need to do this once. Here is another look at the half-build Mule:
The initial sockets are NOS short pin UX-4/UV-4. I will play around with the 01a before I move to other DHTs. I still need to add the tag strips for filament resistors, output capacitors and the filament regulators.
Wiring will take a couple of hours and we should have another DHT amp to play with 🙂
First listening test with these beauties, it sounds really nice!
And here is the look inside for the curious ones who always ask me to provide more details about the construction. Here is a good ground wiring example. The preamp is dead quiet:
Led Zeppelin wrote a fantastic song on their first album: how many more times. You may not be a rock fan, but hey: what a great song. How many more times do I want to get back to this “slew rate” theme? I don’t know, as much as I have to. Plenty of comments out there of bad designs with wimpy drivers attempting to take the 300B/2A3 or even 45 valves to full tilt with disappointing results. Either way, they always blame the valves.
I came back to revisit the driving of capacitive loads effectively as I’m working on a new 4P1L PSE amplifier. Slowly, but getting there. Previously I looked at adding a buffer to the 01a preamp as a result of slew rate limitations found in Tony’s implementation of this preamp.
Many have asked me about this preamp with gyrator load. Here is the latest implementation which I preferred most in terms of sound. The mu resistor is 470Ω which is a nice compromise between BF862 transconductance and distortion. I adjusted it on test. I use a 100nF for C1 so R6 is 10MΩ. R4 can be either 300KΩ, 330KΩ or even 390KΩ. Difference would be only on the voltage range for the CCS. I found running it at 25mA to be perfectly fine, some BF862 can even do J310. I prefer this SMD compared to the J310. It performs much better even at high frequency:
I went to see my friend Tony today and helped him to fix his 01a preamp implementation. Time ago Tony used a prototype version of my gyrator PCB to build the Gen2 preamp with the addition of an output follower to address the slew rate limitations he had on his system due to the larger capacitive load.
Luckily we found the fault easily and it was a bad solder in one of the smoothing HT chokes. Once fault was rectified, we proceeded to take some measurements of this preamp.
I’ve done several tests using a simple gyrator PCB test mule. It was time to build a proper and flexible test mule for extreme abuse:
2 Boards for current flexibility
Board 1: BF862
Board 2: J310
Top FET is IXTP08N100D2 for 1000V operation
ZIF socket pins for CCS reference resistor and RMu. This will give the necessary flexibility to try any combination in the gyrator depending on the triode and or the power supply
External pots for ease regulation of anode voltage
The top MOSFETs are bolted on the aluminium case which will act as heatsink. For tests this should be sufficient.
The top plate of the case looks like this:
There are 4mm posts are for HT supply, GND, mu-output, Anode. There are also a pair of 2mm posts for current sensing per board.
Great pleasure this morning to receive the first batch of the gyrator PCB. After extensive testing we refined the layout and options for the PCB and now we have the final product ready for shipping! Unfortunately I will not be able to do some testing and shipping before end of February and I received a large number of requests already. I’m sure this batch will fly very quickly so please confirm your requests.
I will post soon the specifications and some circuit examples for this flexible gyrator board which can be used for DHT preamps (e.g. 4P1L, 01a, 26), amplifier drivers, A2 drivers, LTP drivers, parafeed output stages and more!
So check the For Sale section soon for more information.
Some days ago we discussed in DIYAudio using this board for a 2J27L preamp like this one:
2J27L Preamp using Gyrator PCB
The output FET follower is needed to for valves which have low current and high anode resistance which will struggle to drive large capacitances. The FET follower of your choice can be used instead.
A minimal circuit which sounds fantastic is the basic configuration of this PCB. With few changes this circuit can be used on many DHTs like 26, 4P1L, 10Y, 30, 30sp, 12, 71a, 45, 46, etc:
If you want to send me your requests please use ONLY the form below: