I have tested more than 10 different ST and metal 6N7. Some GT, other simply old ST G ones and metal as well. Both triodes in parallel as usually this is the configuration used as an amplifier driver. Found a good operating point from a distortion perspective around Ia=6mA, Vg=-5.6V. As you can see you should expect getting around 0.09% THD. With some good valves reaching as low as 0.04%, but will have to be hand-selected.
Some 6N7 under test
Great driver from a sound perspective, with low distortion close to a 26 and on average slightly better than the 6J5. Need to review famous 6SN7, but there are lots of measurements for this one out there.
From an audiophile’s perspective, this is not the right approach to determine the optimal operating point. However, minimum distortion is a good indication of a good starting point for further refinement with your ears.
I have used mostly the 26 DHT with filament bias in the following point:
Ia= 5.5mA
26 DHT THD as a function of Ia
We can see in the diagram above that distortion decreases with the increase of anode current (lower ra and higher gm) and between 6-7mA it’s at its minimum of 0.04-0.05% at full output swing/
As posted previously, is well known that starving the filaments is a good approach to reduce microphony of the valve and THD as well. At the expense of increasing Ra.
THD impact of filament starvation
From the picture above we can clearly see that a typical 26 running at 5.5mA and with filaments at the normal level (i.e. 1050mA) can achieve a reduction of distortion of about 0.02% by starving the filaments to 700mA (66%).
I still need to test how this level of starvation will sound on my preamp, but is quite promising…(at least in theory)
Having repaired the Pete Millett’s interface (hopefully) I tested two 26 DHT triodes I had at hand. One was an used Hytron ST valve and then the other test was an NOS White Whestinghouse ST valve, which is actually in pristine conditions.
Both valves were tested with the same operating point:
input signal adjusted to produce Vo=10Vrms (+22.22dBu)
26 Hytron ST valve THD @ +22.22dBu
26 NOS White Whestinghouse ST valve THD @ +22.22dBu
Well, I think I have re-vindicated the 26 DHT THD performance at a decent swing. Surprised to see the WW valve achieving 0.03% THD.
Today decided to do a quick distortion test of on a sample of a variety of different valves. All either triodes or triode-strapped pentodes/tetrodes. As per my previous tests, distortion was measured at +22.22dBu (10 Vrms) at the output of the valve in common-cathode mode. Valves were loaded with the CCS I use in my curve tracer. The operating points were quickly optimised at hand, so I’m sure there may be some better operating points for some of the valves below which may improve their overall THD. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
Tested valves for THDTHD analysis
Need to retake these measures as the soundcard interface got damaged and results are showing significant distortion
Interesting to see in the chart above, that 6e5p and 6C45p are the best ones. This is in line with their reputation as drivers as they are capable of swinging many volts and producing very low distortion. In terms of harmonics I noticed that 6e5P provides a richer H3 and H5 as being a triode-strapped valve, whereas the 6c45p provide a dominant H2.
Also good to see that my favourite 46, 4P1L and 6CB5A (all triode-strapped) are very linear with anode currents of 40mA (with the exception of 46 as I measured THD on a previous operating point used for transconductance measurement). I should retake the 46 and drive it harder, I’m sure it will perform better at higher current.
Surprised with the results of the 6N6P-I. Was expecting this one a bit better, but perhaps it’s the pulse version distortion, so may need to get hold of an 6N6P and compare the results.
Update: It looks like I blew up Pete Millett’s interface after measuring THD in float mode and exceeding the 10Vrms limit in this mode. Therefore measures such as 26, CX301a and others are not accurate. When testing 26 with my Ferrograph test set it came out to be 0.05%… Stay tune until I repair the unit!
My 01a DHT preamplifier has performed flawlessly over the last 4 months or so. I do enjoy its warm sound and clear tone. I do prefer it to my 26 OT preamp, despite everyone says the contrary. I personally feel that the thoriated tungsten filament gives some sonic unique mark to the sound here.
I want to do the following test and compare differences in sound:
1) Gyrator load
2) Antitriode load
3) Choke
4) OT
Have my LL1660s which can take out temporarily from the 26 preamp, and also got a couple of chokes to use as well, oil caps, etc?
Time ago I asked Rod Coleman about the driving requirements of my 01a preamp whilst investigating the addition of a source follower stage to the preamp. Let’s have a look at a DHT stage loaded with a gyrator (or could well be a choke or whatever you like) driving a power amplifier.
Have you asked yourself whether your pre-amp is capable of driving your amp? How much burden does the cable parasitic capacitance add to the mix?
As an example we will use my current setup. A 45 SE amplifier with a 6j5 driver stage. We can approximate input impedance formed by:
Where Ci is the amplifier’s input capacitance formed by the Miller effect of the valve’s input capacitance (Cag) and the additional parasitic capacitance of socket, wires and so forth. In this practical example where the input valve is an 6J5GT:
If we now add the cable capacitance which could easily be 100pF per metre and at least 2 metres run from my pre-amp to the amp then:
So with an input resistance of 100kΩ and a capacitance of about 330pF let’s have a look at the current requirements to drive this load. The cable current @ 50kHz should be:
Preamps output peak voltage is around 10V, So the current demanded by the cables would be:
So if we want the preamp valve to source 1mA to the load, we need x10 current driving capability to be on the safe side. Clearly with an 26 (or 01a) we are a little on the low side as the bias current won’t be more than 4-6mA.
So there are clearly facts here to support the addition of a source/cathode-follower stage to the amp in addition to the improvement on the bass response due to a lower output impedance. Something we will look at some other time….