307a with schade feedback (Part II)

Some time ago I traced the 307a that kindly Vegard Winge sent me from Norway. As suggested by Vegard, I re-traced them with lower screen voltage and increased feedback to improve the linearity of the 307a in this mode.

307a schade testThe modification to the curve tracer is simple. A simple resistor divider (R1, R2) provides the feedback to the grid. The grid driver provides a constant impedance so works fine. With a potentiometer you can adjust the feedback ratio and look at the impact on the curves. Very handy!

With 15.5% feedback and 125V screen voltage I got the best curves as shown below:
307a schade 15.5FB 125V

Nice to see the anode resistance coming down to 1kΩ.I tried matching a triode model to these curves with a good result

Continue reading “307a with schade feedback (Part II)”

307a DHT in triode and Schade feedback

IMG_0339Vegard Winge kindly sent me some great DHTs for tracing including the 307a directly heated pentode. The sample traced is not an original Western Electric but a lovely Raytheon RK 75 307a NOS. There is limited information of this valve in triode mode and the folks at DIYaudio are looking at potentially using it for a DHT headphone amp.

This valve has a filament of 5.5V and 1A and an anode dissipation of 21W in class A (including screen dissipation) when triode-connected.

Let’s see how this valve performs in triode-mode:

307a triodeSMALL



How well can we match a triode model for this valve?

307a triode small

Continue reading “307a DHT in triode and Schade feedback”