814 SE A2 Amplifier

Goodbye 4-65a SE, at least for now

IMG_1401After enjoying the 4-65a SE amplifier for many months, I couldn’t resist myself from upgrading the output stage to the 814s.  I just needed changing sockets and filament raw supply transformers to fit the requirements of this lovely transmitting valve. Needless to say, my recent tests on 814s were very encouraging. The 814 seemed to perform much better than the 4-65a in delivering 10W of class A2 sound at half the distortion levels. This to me, was only worth trying.

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4-65a Triode Curves

Tracing the transmitter valve curves

20131102-171745.jpgI posted several times about my 4-65a SE Amplifier and also traced in the past the curves using my analogue curve tracer to get a view of the loadlines of this fantastic DHT in triode mode.

Now that I have the uTracer I traced again the curves including grid current and A2 anode curves which are very handy for this type of transmitter valve.

My tests were conducted with the following heating and bias setup:

  • DC heater using Rod Coleman regulator @ 6V and 3.5A
  • Cathode connection to the negative filament terminal of the regulator and valve.

Continue reading “4-65a Triode Curves”

Upgrading the DHT filament regulators

I upgraded the DHT filament regulators to version 4. Rod has released a new kit which introduces temperature compensation for high current filaments. This is a key feature in my 4-65a design and I shall explain why:

Continue reading “Upgrading the DHT filament regulators”

4-65A SE Amp: first tweaks

As discussed previously, I replaced the gyrator’s polypropylene caps with better ones I had at hand which are 1uF 450Vdc Mundorf Mcap EVO Silver Gold Oil Cap (EVOSGO-080). I should look at lower value. A 220nF or even 100nF one should provide a 1Hz -3dB point with the 4M7 resistor. Anyway, the sound is a tad better in the bass I would say. Nice upgrade but should listen to it more to find what other changes has this capacitor made to the amp:

4-65a SE Amp: output valve

One of the output 4-65a was actually a military JAN-8165. Wanted to test a pair of them but in the rush of building the amp I ended up with a mixed of the two. Not an orthodox approach buy who cares! After playing the amp extensively for a couple of weeks I noticed that this valve droped anode current after 1hour or more of playing. Anode current could go down by 10-15mA. Perhaps it has to do with the pin oxidation, but I also suspected on the filament regulator due to the heavy current required on this. The regulator heatsink gets really hot as you can imagine so I was already blaming on the regulator FET before I even suspected on this output valve.


A simple test was to replace this valve by a new NOS 4-65a. I did that and surprised to find that the filament regulator wasn’t to blame. The 4-65a SE filament stayed rock solid at 100mA after 1h30m of fantastic music. Yes, the bass of this SE is unique. It exceeded everything I previously listened to. Is the 46 driver in filament bias? Not sure yet, but hey ho. What an amp!

4-65A SE Amp: A2 grid current supply

Finished today the penultimate power supply of the 4-65a SE amplifier. This one is the A2 grid current one and doesn’t need a lot of filtering as the 46 driver gyrator will do most of that job. The DC stacked design of this amplifier will allow an independent loop of the A2 current between this supply and 4-65a grid-cathode.

Just only one more supply to go and I’m done!!!

4-65a SE Amp: Fitting the HV regulators

A bit of further progress today as managed to build two Salas Shunt HV regulators (SSSHV2) with the slight tweaks I tried recently. Both regulators will provide a very stable voltage reference (+280V) for stacked supplies. Now time for completing the wiring of the 46 drivers and do some further testing…

4-65a SE Amp building process

Some drilling and mounting work done this morning on the 4-65a SE amp breadboard:

During the afternoon, I managed to wire a filament supply for one channel 46 driver. Tested and working ok, now can move to the next one:

4-65a SE Amplifier: testing filament regulators

The Rod Coleman Filament Regulators were already tested in the New Year. It seems a long time indeed. Here is a selection of pictures after fitting the regulators in their heat-sinks and doing a final test before assembly: