After upgrading my 26 preamp, turntable and adjusted the system to a great sounding state. Looking forward to play many records now…
All about electronic valves and hi-fi
After upgrading my 26 preamp, turntable and adjusted the system to a great sounding state. Looking forward to play many records now…
As discussed previously, I replaced the gyrator’s polypropylene caps with better ones I had at hand which are 1uF 450Vdc Mundorf Mcap EVO Silver Gold Oil Cap (EVOSGO-080). I should look at lower value. A 220nF or even 100nF one should provide a 1Hz -3dB point with the 4M7 resistor. Anyway, the sound is a tad better in the bass I would say. Nice upgrade but should listen to it more to find what other changes has this capacitor made to the amp: