With a quick mod on one of my active preamps, I managed to implement very quickly the 6Э6П-ДР (6e6p-dr) driver in my system. Here is how the circuit looks like:

All about electronic valves and hi-fi
I’ve been travelling a lot lately so haven’t had the chance to update on this project. A couple of weeks ago I finished the 4P1L PSE Amp:
The amp is outstanding, just like previous incarnations and tests I have conducted over the years. The level of detail and tone is unique. This is what I always loved from the 4P1L. I’m running it very hot (70mA per pair) and the output transformer is Amorphous Core 3K2 (more detail to be shared soon). It’s a simple stage with filament bias, so no cathode capacitor. The filaments are wired in series to reduce the heat dissipation. Despite this adds a bit more on the output impedance, the bass is powerful. I’m very surprised with the bass, but the level of treble is amazing. It goes over 40-50kHz, I will still need to undertake the classic measurements but so far is great!
It’s absolutely dead quiet. No traces of hum.
Some more pictures below:
And the full system below:
A new amplifier build has begun. The 4P1L PSE is coming to life. First top plate developed and arrived this morning. A succesful layout for being the first one. Need to submit for machining the other 2 panels. It will be modular so I can make changes and experiment with different output transformers I have at hand (Monolith Magnetics, Lundahls, etc.). The HT power supply is ready and I’ve been fitting the filament supplies in child-proof boxes over the Christmas holidays. It will take me some time though to get this one up and running. Not much time to work on it am afraid.