Robustiano (V0.7)

Hacked a simple PCB to build the follower to drive the 4P1L as suggested by Rod. I had to play with the LND150 setting resistor (R4) to achieve the 2mA of idle current. I ended up biasing the 4P1L rather hot at about 11.5W which exceeds the specs. The Q2 VBE was not possible to measure as the Q2 would oscillate I guess when I place the tester lead on Q1 collector and the voltage seems to drop when I try to measure it. Should have added a ferrite bead:

Robustiano v07 bench test

When measuring distortion against frequency, I was keen to see that the follower provided some impact in reducing the HF distortion. For example at 20kHz, THD reduced from 0.96% to 0.59% @1W output power and from 7.84% to  3.52%, that is close to half the distortion I had before:

Robustiano v07 THD tests

What is nice to see now is the effect of the follower providing sufficient source current to the 4P1L grid. Above 2.5W, the grid current kicks in and we can see how “Robustiano” can deliver 3W at less than 1% until starts to clip about 3.5W:

Robustiano v07 THD versus power

I found that if I were to reduce the Rf further and therefore increasing the collector current but obviously exceeding the 4P1L power dissipation too much as collector current was about 45-48mA, the distortion at 20kHz falls significantly. I suspect I should increase the collector current to enable better drive of Q2 due to its Cib (30pF). To keep the current feedback arrangement this could be done by reducing the negative emitter voltage source (V1). Should try this I guess…





Robustiano: 4P1L SE Schade Feedback tests Part I and II

Here are some further tests using automated measurements. Firstly I tried same configuration running the 4P1L at closely 38mA and 160V screen voltage. Second test, I dialled up the screen voltage to 171V and tweaked feedback to get current up to 40mA

Interesting to see that the performance is more triode-like and has a higher THD at lower output levels, however at higher levels the THD is lower. Mainly dominated by H3 and significant rise of H5 given grid current I suspect:

Robustiano THD versus power test 1 and 2Here is the harmonic distribution of the first test (more pentode like)

Robustiano test1 harmonic profile

Here is the harmonic distribution of the second test (more triode like):

Robustiano test2 harmonic profileFrom a frequency response perspective, it performs very good with -3dB from 10Hz to up to 35kHz at 1W tested level:

Robustiano FR and THD 1W Test1What surprised me was to find out the increasing distortion at HF. Will this be due to the 4P1L grid capacitance or the DN2540?