I’m still in the process of testing valves, here is how the ranking is coming up so far. This is a mix of driver and output valves. All tested at Vo=+22.22dBu:

Looking at the chart above a couple of interesting points to highlight:
- 4P1L is the most linear valve I’ve found so far.
- 6e5P and 6C45 are expected to be on the top five anyway.
- 12P17L despite of having similar characteristics as 4P1L is not that linear
- 6N6P and 6N6P-I disappointed me. I thought the would be more linear..
- 46 and 47 in triode mode are superb drivers
Have so many other ones to test, but limited time….
Expect this chart to be updated in the future, so stay tuned 🙂