Continuing with this series of blog posts around the 6C4C push-pull design. As suggested my 45 in my previous blog entry, here is the 4P1L-4P1L version:
The first 4P1L driver stage remains unchanged, as does the output stage. The addition of the 4P1L differential pair with CCS tail and LL1660/pp IT is the main change of this design. The LL1660 is configured in ALT M or 2.25+2.25:2+2. I guess that a different IT could be used instead to get a lower output impedance on the diff pair and improve the performance in A2. The amp has more gain that I need in this configuration as it delivers its maximum power (circa 8W) when input is 1.2V peak.
So how does it performs?
Very low distortion indeed. About 0.06% up to 8W. Mainly odd harmonics dominating the sound of this amp.
Interesting findings…